
My Language

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
— Nelson Mandela

This was an ongoing thesis project that was interrupted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. For updates, contact Ashley Womack.



America (specifically New York City) is a multilingual society. Yet many interactions that take place in a public space are unequally dominated by English. New spaces and materials need to be created that force English speakers to interact and recognize non-English languages.

Cultural Probe Kit: Open ended research tool to help me form insights

Cultural Probe Kit: Open ended research tool to help me form insights

Cultural Probe Activities: Hola! soy - Tell me about yourself, where you like to go, and your favorite shops and restaurants. Sonrisa - Make me smile, tell me a joke!

Cultural Probe Activities: Hola! soy - Tell me about yourself, where you like to go, and your favorite shops and restaurants. Sonrisa - Make me smile, tell me a joke!



Everyone has the right to be heard no matter what language they want to speak. This lead me to ask the question: Where do people feel comfortable (or uncomfortable) speaking the language they express themselves in the best?

Where do you feel safe speaking your language?

Where do you feel safe speaking your language?

Translated by Winnie Liu - all questions asked in participant’s language + English

Translated by Winnie Liu - all questions asked in participant’s language + English

Where do you feel uncomfortable or unsafe speaking your language?

Where do you feel uncomfortable or unsafe speaking your language?